Ok first let me say I completely agree with most the things in this post granted I've ranted about these very things numerous times.
Here's my objection Bush wasn't a great president at all and very rarely knew what he was doing. Obama on the other hand seems like he knows, he just is so focused on "change" and the typical democratic policy of taking from the people who earn their money and giving it to the poor, that it is made him ignorant to what is really going on in the nation. Immigration is becoming a huge problem and he has done nothing; health care was not an issue considering most jobs supply it and if not then find one that does; lowering student tuition and saying "you shouldn't need a PHD to fill out a financial aid form", that's absolutely correct but don't bring in the crap about helping certain ethnicity, whites already have become a custom to reverse prejudice. I love what you say about the war because it does show that Bush knew what he was doing on that front and that people were wrong given the fact I'm sure half the population voted for him thinking he was going to remove them from Iraq.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Obama's Speech
It gives me great pleasure to comment again about national government shorty after Obama's "heartwarming" speech at my university. I managed to catch the end (on tv of course..I wouldn't actually pay to see him) and was not necessarily shocked at what I heard.
His main focus for the speech of course was to give money to the college students and help lower tuition costs. I'm obviously all for that, granted my tuition for the University of Texas rose over the past semester, but then he stated he was going to give a lot of taxpayers dollars to Hispanic scholarship funds... this I was confused about. Not that they don't deserve it but Obama is purposely going out of his way it seems to avoid the immigration problem and yet giving money to Hispanics at the same time. The news mentioned that Rick Perry tried to have a word with Obama about lending more money to Texas in order to protect our borders as he was getting off the plane and Obama simply brushed it off and acted as if he was some sort of interviewer.
With all this money he's lending out to help low income houses and racial classes, (even though he's already vastly increased debt) it seems that he shouldn't take the high increase of illegal aliens in this country lightly and give money to stop it.
Whites in Texas are quickly becoming the minority and in most places already are. This isn't a racist comment or anything but there's a good chance that a decent amount aren't exactly legal.
I know I mentioned in my last blog that I would discuss social security and how I think it is a joke that I'm paying a large sum of my paycheck every other week when the the reality is when I am old enough to use it will be depleted and there won't be anything left. Not that I don't have a HUGE problem paying my own money to take care of "Betty Sue's grandma", it just seemed more appropriate to discuss immigration after Obama's recent pep-talk.
His main focus for the speech of course was to give money to the college students and help lower tuition costs. I'm obviously all for that, granted my tuition for the University of Texas rose over the past semester, but then he stated he was going to give a lot of taxpayers dollars to Hispanic scholarship funds... this I was confused about. Not that they don't deserve it but Obama is purposely going out of his way it seems to avoid the immigration problem and yet giving money to Hispanics at the same time. The news mentioned that Rick Perry tried to have a word with Obama about lending more money to Texas in order to protect our borders as he was getting off the plane and Obama simply brushed it off and acted as if he was some sort of interviewer.
With all this money he's lending out to help low income houses and racial classes, (even though he's already vastly increased debt) it seems that he shouldn't take the high increase of illegal aliens in this country lightly and give money to stop it.
Whites in Texas are quickly becoming the minority and in most places already are. This isn't a racist comment or anything but there's a good chance that a decent amount aren't exactly legal.
I know I mentioned in my last blog that I would discuss social security and how I think it is a joke that I'm paying a large sum of my paycheck every other week when the the reality is when I am old enough to use it will be depleted and there won't be anything left. Not that I don't have a HUGE problem paying my own money to take care of "Betty Sue's grandma", it just seemed more appropriate to discuss immigration after Obama's recent pep-talk.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
"How's Obama Doing?"...Terrible
I agree with your blog's statement of, "Even though this health care reform has had some early successes, it does not mean that it will continue to be successful and that people will change their minds and decide all of a sudden that it holds good inside of it."
Even when Obama was trying to pass this bill, it was obvious that not many people really wanted it. He stuffed it down America's throat anyway to try to check off one of the things he promised during candidacy. I'm not saying that it's not right to give people insurance that weren't qualified for it before but with this new law I could be on my deathbed and would simply be allowed to get covered. This is like going to a loan shark and asking for millions knowing I was going to die the next day. It's called fraud and frankly the United States will loose large amounts of money doing this.
There will be no need for advertising like I have said numerous times before and a countless number of jobs will be lost. Doctors of all kinds will take pay cuts and will make them question whether the 8 years of school is now as worth it. No one wanted this! In a democracy, the government is supposed to listen to the interest groups it will mainly effect and in this case all the doctors and nurses were strongly against it.
If Obama really wants to make the nation happy, he needs to set down his egotistical attitude of "I said this so I will do it" in areas we don't need and start putting them towards the record high number of deaths that is occurring over in the Middle-East!
Even when Obama was trying to pass this bill, it was obvious that not many people really wanted it. He stuffed it down America's throat anyway to try to check off one of the things he promised during candidacy. I'm not saying that it's not right to give people insurance that weren't qualified for it before but with this new law I could be on my deathbed and would simply be allowed to get covered. This is like going to a loan shark and asking for millions knowing I was going to die the next day. It's called fraud and frankly the United States will loose large amounts of money doing this.
There will be no need for advertising like I have said numerous times before and a countless number of jobs will be lost. Doctors of all kinds will take pay cuts and will make them question whether the 8 years of school is now as worth it. No one wanted this! In a democracy, the government is supposed to listen to the interest groups it will mainly effect and in this case all the doctors and nurses were strongly against it.
If Obama really wants to make the nation happy, he needs to set down his egotistical attitude of "I said this so I will do it" in areas we don't need and start putting them towards the record high number of deaths that is occurring over in the Middle-East!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Where Do I Start
There is a vast amount more of wrongdoings by our government than the mere 500 word limit for this blog but I’ll try by best and start with the biggest problems.
One Obama was elected president strictly because of his ability to speak in front of a crowd. He was on the view two days ago, which first off I’m all for informing the public through mass media but a show where five angry women argue for an hour every day is probably not the best venue. Obama in his campaign (I’m sure this was a reason many people voted for him) stated that he was going to immediately start removing soldiers from Iraq. Little did the public know that this would take two years for him to actually do and by removing the soldiers from Iraq, just meant moving them to fight in the more deadly and treacherous Middle Eastern countries around it (stupid us right?).
Obama hires a team of economic advisors to help him with his decisions on what to do, however it baffles me how economic professors at any University are more intelligent than the ones in the White House. I understand politician’s only goal is to get re-elected, but do you really have to spend all of our tax dollars on the wrong thing. The economy does this, IT’S CALLED THE BUSINESS CYCLE! Open a college textbook and you’ll see a chart that has gone up and down before you were even born (Obama being the “you”). Sure people will get mad that you’re not doing anything but I can’t wait until we have a president that actually has the nerve to say, “Citizens of the United States watch me fix the economy by doing nothing”. It’s not magic it’s simply how it works!
My simple problem with the Democratic party and I’ll try to not say this in a derogatory way but why do the people who make more money and actually got off their ass to earn the degrees that allowed them to do so, have to pay more to the government than the people who sit at home and are content with not making a name for themselves. I understand everyone is entitled to make their own life decisions but I would strictly like for someone to give me their reasoning in that when I graduate from Mccombs School of Business I will have to pay a large amount more to the government as if I owe them for something. The Democratic Party gives too much money to the poor and simply allows them to survive and be content with the low income lives their living rather than push them to do more. People born in low income have the ability to go to college and make a name for themselves just like any other person and yet every other person has to pay their way.
Since I ran out of room I’ll save Medicare for next time!
One Obama was elected president strictly because of his ability to speak in front of a crowd. He was on the view two days ago, which first off I’m all for informing the public through mass media but a show where five angry women argue for an hour every day is probably not the best venue. Obama in his campaign (I’m sure this was a reason many people voted for him) stated that he was going to immediately start removing soldiers from Iraq. Little did the public know that this would take two years for him to actually do and by removing the soldiers from Iraq, just meant moving them to fight in the more deadly and treacherous Middle Eastern countries around it (stupid us right?).
Obama hires a team of economic advisors to help him with his decisions on what to do, however it baffles me how economic professors at any University are more intelligent than the ones in the White House. I understand politician’s only goal is to get re-elected, but do you really have to spend all of our tax dollars on the wrong thing. The economy does this, IT’S CALLED THE BUSINESS CYCLE! Open a college textbook and you’ll see a chart that has gone up and down before you were even born (Obama being the “you”). Sure people will get mad that you’re not doing anything but I can’t wait until we have a president that actually has the nerve to say, “Citizens of the United States watch me fix the economy by doing nothing”. It’s not magic it’s simply how it works!
My simple problem with the Democratic party and I’ll try to not say this in a derogatory way but why do the people who make more money and actually got off their ass to earn the degrees that allowed them to do so, have to pay more to the government than the people who sit at home and are content with not making a name for themselves. I understand everyone is entitled to make their own life decisions but I would strictly like for someone to give me their reasoning in that when I graduate from Mccombs School of Business I will have to pay a large amount more to the government as if I owe them for something. The Democratic Party gives too much money to the poor and simply allows them to survive and be content with the low income lives their living rather than push them to do more. People born in low income have the ability to go to college and make a name for themselves just like any other person and yet every other person has to pay their way.
Since I ran out of room I’ll save Medicare for next time!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Forget the Prius I like my Charger
A writer from USA Today claims that, "Price holds [the] key to ending nation's addiction to oil". He portrays the argument, "In June 2008, Americans drove 12 billion fewer miles than in June 2007, part of the longest sustained drop in driving since high prices discouraged driving in the 1970s. Car buyers suddenly wanted smaller, more fuel-efficient cars and began to try to shed their SUVs. Sales of Toyota's 50-mpg Prius hybrid shot up by 69% in 2007, exceeding those of the popular Ford Explorer SUV. The Toyota Corolla was the No. 1 selling car in the country in June 2008, while the Ford F-150 and Chevrolet Silverado pickups — traditionally best-sellers but comparative gas guzzlers — had dropped to fifth and sixth place. But once prices fell, so did sales of the Prius and Corolla. The F-150 and Silverado again rose to the top of the heap."
The argument here is geared toward society as a whole due to the fact that we all fall victim to gas guzzling. However the validity of his statements come into question when he doesn't consider the other areas of the economy where gas prices come into huge consideration. In 2007, when the gas prices rose, sure it convinced people to buy more gas efficient cars, however what do we do about the increase heating bills for our homes and the high prices airplane companies have to charge to break even. It would cost billions to build new homes with more efficient heating systems and design new airplanes that have better miles per gallon!
The public lined up at gas stations in 2007 and 2008 that offered price reductions for a day and other sales pitches such as that. The American public isn't ready to spend more money on the cars they love and don't want to get rid of. We have become a generation of people who use gas everyday and strive on it to get from place to place at a reasonable cost. Unless the government offers us a span of, for example, 5 years to purchase better looking and more gas efficient cars as well as new airplanes that won't cause the cost to fly to skyrocket, the American public is not ready and will not respond lightly to a force increase in gas prices.
The argument here is geared toward society as a whole due to the fact that we all fall victim to gas guzzling. However the validity of his statements come into question when he doesn't consider the other areas of the economy where gas prices come into huge consideration. In 2007, when the gas prices rose, sure it convinced people to buy more gas efficient cars, however what do we do about the increase heating bills for our homes and the high prices airplane companies have to charge to break even. It would cost billions to build new homes with more efficient heating systems and design new airplanes that have better miles per gallon!
The public lined up at gas stations in 2007 and 2008 that offered price reductions for a day and other sales pitches such as that. The American public isn't ready to spend more money on the cars they love and don't want to get rid of. We have become a generation of people who use gas everyday and strive on it to get from place to place at a reasonable cost. Unless the government offers us a span of, for example, 5 years to purchase better looking and more gas efficient cars as well as new airplanes that won't cause the cost to fly to skyrocket, the American public is not ready and will not respond lightly to a force increase in gas prices.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Obama's "Recovery Act"
Michael Boskin, a leading columnist for the Wall Street Journal, discusses in this week's article whether Obama's so-called "Recovery Act" is working as well as he claims. Boskin states, "President Obama says 'every economist who's looked at it says that the Recovery Act has done its job'—i.e., the stimulus bill has turned the economy around. That's nonsense. Opinions differ widely and many leading economists believe that its impact has been small. Why? The expectation of future spending and future tax hikes to pay for the stimulus and Mr. Obama's vast expansion of government are offsetting the direct short-run expansionary effect". Boskin claims that he along with many others "warned [people] in 2008, the permanent government expansion and higher tax rate agenda is a classic example of what not to do during bad economic times."
Due to the fact that he made this prediction two years ago, gives me great relief that he clearly knows about true economic policy and his column geared towards the growing number of people that are becoming weary of the GoBama presidency is intelligent and logical.
Ever since I truly became aware of what the government was doing and why they were making the choices they made, I have truly believed in every word that this author is trying to get across. The government simply does this whole stimulus package non-sense, not because it's what the economy needs, but if they just sat their and waited like they should the public would feel like he's not doing anything and his chances of getting re-elected would greatly decrease. Obama places all these promises such as raising taxes and making more jobs in order to pull us out of the recession when the bottom line is IT'S THE BUSINESS CYCLE! If we would just let the economy be and not spend the record billions of dollars trying to pull ourselves out, we would be fine it would probably just take an extra year or so. Now however, we have to deal with a debt that has just become an imaginary number that we will never pay off and makes the world loose trust in our monetary policy.
Yes, we may be pulling out of the recession and it may seem like the "Recovery Act" had something to do with it, when in actuality it's Obama's smug plan to take credit for something he only made worse in the long run.
Until we get a President (the closest we had I feel is Clinton ironically) that allows the economy to go through the cycle on its own and focuses on paying off our debt, we will continue to make every short term success disappear with long term financial promises.
Due to the fact that he made this prediction two years ago, gives me great relief that he clearly knows about true economic policy and his column geared towards the growing number of people that are becoming weary of the GoBama presidency is intelligent and logical.
Ever since I truly became aware of what the government was doing and why they were making the choices they made, I have truly believed in every word that this author is trying to get across. The government simply does this whole stimulus package non-sense, not because it's what the economy needs, but if they just sat their and waited like they should the public would feel like he's not doing anything and his chances of getting re-elected would greatly decrease. Obama places all these promises such as raising taxes and making more jobs in order to pull us out of the recession when the bottom line is IT'S THE BUSINESS CYCLE! If we would just let the economy be and not spend the record billions of dollars trying to pull ourselves out, we would be fine it would probably just take an extra year or so. Now however, we have to deal with a debt that has just become an imaginary number that we will never pay off and makes the world loose trust in our monetary policy.
Yes, we may be pulling out of the recession and it may seem like the "Recovery Act" had something to do with it, when in actuality it's Obama's smug plan to take credit for something he only made worse in the long run.
Until we get a President (the closest we had I feel is Clinton ironically) that allows the economy to go through the cycle on its own and focuses on paying off our debt, we will continue to make every short term success disappear with long term financial promises.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Oil Spill Finished or Merely on Hold?
For the past three months, we as a nation, have watched and been bombarded with news stories on how BP is destroying our shores. Well, waking up today I once again was flooded with oily news however for once it was for the good. According to a specific article in the New York Times, the leak was finally controlled yesterday at 2:25 pm and since then there haven’t been any new openings. With this massive crisis over, I was curious to see how Obama is reacting given his “heavy” involvement (Probably just an act to show he cares due Bush’s failure at controlling Katrina and the reprimanding that came from it). The article states that Obama is planning to go back down to the area in the next couple weeks but until then we should “caution against concluding that the corner had been turned”. Kent Wells, the Vice President of BP, goes to state the many solutions they have in the works that will, I’m sure, be run by President Obama when he visits. He too however makes clear that he “doesn’t want to create a false sense of excitement.” For now the common idea is merely to sit and wait and pray that this lid holds while they search for a more permanent solution and hope the millions of dollars in continuous destruction that was caused from carelessness is finally spiraling to an end!
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