Friday, July 30, 2010

Where Do I Start

There is a vast amount more of wrongdoings by our government than the mere 500 word limit for this blog but I’ll try by best and start with the biggest problems.
One Obama was elected president strictly because of his ability to speak in front of a crowd. He was on the view two days ago, which first off I’m all for informing the public through mass media but a show where five angry women argue for an hour every day is probably not the best venue. Obama in his campaign (I’m sure this was a reason many people voted for him) stated that he was going to immediately start removing soldiers from Iraq. Little did the public know that this would take two years for him to actually do and by removing the soldiers from Iraq, just meant moving them to fight in the more deadly and treacherous Middle Eastern countries around it (stupid us right?).
Obama hires a team of economic advisors to help him with his decisions on what to do, however it baffles me how economic professors at any University are more intelligent than the ones in the White House. I understand politician’s only goal is to get re-elected, but do you really have to spend all of our tax dollars on the wrong thing. The economy does this, IT’S CALLED THE BUSINESS CYCLE! Open a college textbook and you’ll see a chart that has gone up and down before you were even born (Obama being the “you”). Sure people will get mad that you’re not doing anything but I can’t wait until we have a president that actually has the nerve to say, “Citizens of the United States watch me fix the economy by doing nothing”. It’s not magic it’s simply how it works!
My simple problem with the Democratic party and I’ll try to not say this in a derogatory way but why do the people who make more money and actually got off their ass to earn the degrees that allowed them to do so, have to pay more to the government than the people who sit at home and are content with not making a name for themselves. I understand everyone is entitled to make their own life decisions but I would strictly like for someone to give me their reasoning in that when I graduate from Mccombs School of Business I will have to pay a large amount more to the government as if I owe them for something. The Democratic Party gives too much money to the poor and simply allows them to survive and be content with the low income lives their living rather than push them to do more. People born in low income have the ability to go to college and make a name for themselves just like any other person and yet every other person has to pay their way.
Since I ran out of room I’ll save Medicare for next time!


Julia Schwartz said...

I completely agree with you. I feel that Obama only won the election because one- he was of a race other than white and two- because he has the ability to speak eloquently to a crowd. I feel like I could go on forever about Obama, all the mistakes he has made already and how much I dislike the Democratic Party.
Obama made so many promises just like the one you mentioned in your blog about him promising the troops would immediately be brought home when he announced a while later that he had devised a plan to get the troops back in the next two years but not after sending thousands more over to more dangerous parts of the war zone. This just shows America how hard it actually is to remove our boys from overseas and although Bush wasn’t as fluent as a speaker as Obama, he still knew what he was doing and was trying his best. So many people thought it would be so easy to remove them from foreign grounds but now people are making excuses for Obama when Bush was doing the exact same thing when the latter was so scrutinized for his actions.
I do sympathize with Obama in that it is a lot harder to actually get things done rather when you just say you’re going to do something but Obama made SO many promises, he had to know and we should have known he couldn’t keep all of them. Little did we know he wasn’t going to keep a single one. I’m as frustrated as you are when it comes to the ideology of the Democratic Party and their philosophy. I don’t feel that I should have to pay more taxes because I worked harder for my money and actually earn it while others sit around and do nothing and reap the benefits. Everyone gets an equal start here in America for the most part. Now days, if anyone has the disadvantage it would be the current ‘majority’ which are middle class white Americans. When applying for college, I could have been granted so many more scholarships if I had been of a different descent or of different origins. Everyone earns their way here in America and I don’t feel as though I should have to owe someone else for my hard work and success.

Summer Government Blog-CEM said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only non-liberal in the class. You guys are awesome.